A song that was intentionally made to be as awful as possible.
"The Most Unwanted Song" (yes, that's really what it's called) was made after a couple guys made a poll asking what people like least in music. Results included soprano singers, children's choirs, cowboy songs, commercial jingles, bagpipes, political rants, etc.
After finding what people picked the most for the most irritating things in music and in general, these diabolic fellas made a 22-minute song composed of everything mentioned above...and then some. It was released in 1997 and took the world by storm. Recently it has experienced a bit of a renaissance thanks to the Internet.
Despite being intentionally horrific, "The Most Unwanted Song" has gained a small cult following, partly due to the fact that it's arguably not THAT bad. Some argue that it's actually good.
Others will even argue that it's better than "The Most Wanted Song," created at around the same time by doing the exact opposite of what they did to make "Unwanted," because "Wanted" is simply a very bland and stereotypical love ballad.
when someone desires you but you have no interest whatsoever unless its to humiliate them for the very thought of wanting you
She tries to hard over and over again cant she see she is unwanted and her efforts arent doing anything but getting her laughed at by so many people