a fat gay ass nigga that loves chocking on dick everyday all day and his hero is freemoneyhub so nigga loves beating his mom and sucking his dad dick
Wow that nigga is a Bandy
A straddle planche with bend arms
Andy can only do bend arm planches a.k.a Bandy's
A Bandy is somebody with painfully unfunny humor. Bandies typically utilize old memes, which endeavor too hard to be witty; Bandies likewise attempt too hard. They carelessly misplace memes at arbitrary junctures. They are the epitome of a geek.
Bandies are commonly socially inept; nevertheless, they tend to find disreputable friend groups. Sadly, along with their social ineptness, Bandies are typically unattractive.
Michael is a bandy; all he talks about is his highscore in Super Smash Bros.
A meme nickname for Ludwig Ahgren. Since moving from streaming on Twitch to YouTube Gaming, his live stream has been taken down numerous times in his first month on the platform due to playing copyrighted content live on the stream (note that he was banned zero times while streaming on Twitch). Term is a combination of the word "ban" and the "___ Andy" meme.
Chatter: Ludwig got banned again today for playing "Baby Shark" on stream.
Streamer, reacting: Bandy strikes again.
To receive a excessively long monologue in the form of a message, on any kind of chat platform.
Yesterday i had fallen out with my friend, but TODAY I RECEIVED A BANDI. It was nearly 4 pages long and he apologised for everything.
A gay marsupial (specifically a gay bandicoot)
After getting licked by Ripper Roo, Crash became an ass bandie.
A web series by the YouTuber Nathaniel Bandy. It has an amazing ost, and an ok storyline. About orbs. And shit.
Person 1:Did you watch Bandy's Universe?
Person 2: yeah, its rad!