When you’re sitting on the toilet but can’t finish wiping because life gets in the way. So before leaving the toilet you place some toilet paper up there so you can pick up wiping where you left off without getting poop in and on your clothes after the distraction is dealt with.
Alice heard the dogs barking so she placed some toilet paper in her butt to bookmark it for later. After retrieving the dogs she came back to the toilet and finished wiping.
Adding a web page to a list of favourites for easier future accessibility.
Be well advised to bookmark location for future refernce.
keep a pouch of sweetcorn in your wallet like 6 or 7 bits, when you have had a really nice meal out and want to know the value within your body then eat the sweetcorn, check your poop over next few days and once the sweetcorn is visible you know that meal has been pooped out.
That meal at "insert expensive restaurant name" had a food bookmark of 5 days
Let's mark this as a point to revist/come back to a later point. Let's pause this conversation here
Let's agree to bookmark this
When you accidentally send a copied porn link within an unrelated communication, but can use that communication to revisit said link.
Had an inquiry on my resume, but responded with a sneaky bookmark. Guess I'll save that email for later.
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: I wanted to give Melissa Fumero a spartan prayer bookmark (complementary metal-oxide semiconductorcomplementary metal-oxide semiconductorcomplementary metal-oxide semiconductor edit).
A male or female that keeps record or can recall all the people they have been with, meaning as dating and or sleeping with.
The other day I was talking with a friend about my boyfriend and our conversation suddenly jumped to all the guys she has been with. What a bookmark whore!