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sum bad or malice in meaning

Austin: I just got caught up by my parents bro !!!
Ethan: Damn, that’s a bose.

by 6ix9ine69 July 22, 2018


‘Bose’ is the nickname for the name ‘Abosede’. It is pronounced ‘Buh-Seh’ with an American accent. It is pronounced ‘Baw-seh’ with a traditional Nigerian accent. Either is acceptable.

Random: Hey Bose! Why did your parents name you Bose?
Bose: Hey! My full name is Abosede. Bose is the nickname for Abosede!

by Dabestucanbuy November 26, 2021


A synonym Of "Bloke". Used as "Boseman" to refer to Bri ish Twats, Can Also be used as a ball, stemming from its origin. Was originally a mishearing of "Ball" by Boseman Luigi Whilst Kicking Balls With cars.

Look at that batty Boseman, Lil Odd that bloke.

by House Balcony January 14, 2021


Synonym for Balls, can be used to describe a Mate it a friend, with the extension of "man". Usually used By Roadmen from the Midlands

Wagwan boseman, what's gwarning.
Pass the bose.

by Luigi3106 December 10, 2020


The name Bose is the nickname for the Nigerian name ‘Abosede’. Abosede means born on a Sunday.

Pronounced “Buh-seh”

Random person: Hey Abosede do you have a nickname?
Bose: Yea! It’s Bose.

by Aboa November 23, 2021


The name Bose is the nickname for the Nigerian name ‘Abosede’. Abosede means born on a Sunday.

Pronounced “Buh-seh”

Random person: Hey Abosede do you have a nickname?
Bose: Yea! It’s Bose.

by Aboa November 23, 2021

Arihant Bose

Arihant Bose is a famous composer. He has composed numerous pieces including “I am a Violin” and “I love kids”. Born in 2006, he has fifteen friends as of now.

Arihant Bose is awesome.

by BOI21inurmom December 5, 2019