Source Code

ms boyd

ms boyd is really a man who says shes a woman and shes a evil devil ass bitch who likes to ruin peoples lives if u see her be prepared to be blind because u wont be able to see afterwards shes so boring and shes such a dumb ass she said Benjamin Franklin was a fucking president and he wasent hes the one who created electricity and dont EVER fall for her bullshit well that it have a wonderful day

ms boyd the WORST teacher in the WORLD

by fuck ass bitch March 4, 2019

Oh Boyd

The exclaimation used when someone is describing just how fat someone is, in what seems like an over exaggerative way, But then you look and discover they were not exaggerating.
"Oh Boyd"

"Yo, that dude sitting behind you is so fat that his tits are on his knees..."


by TheSadButTruther November 8, 2011

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Boyd Emmerson

A teacher
Affectionately known to his students as Boyd or Emmerson
The killer of god and the true creator of mankind
If you don’t finish your journal he will breathe on you

Boyd Emmerson is my favourite teacher

by Pukas Grig V September 9, 2019

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Tommy Boyd

Listen to Tommy on BBC Southern Counties Radio every Saturday 9-1 PM.

The music is dodgy but at least he's on the air.

by someone September 23, 2004

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boyds mom

A really big whore thats really old.

I went over to boyds mom's house for head

by Anonymous September 26, 2003

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Boyd Rice

see: GOD

Boyd Rice is omniscient.

by Webbster February 3, 2004

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Hailey Boyd

Hailey Boyd: The best person in the entire world. You can just look at her and your world will explode with color and feelings of the unthinkable. She is very beautiful and is fun to talk too. There is no way to describe this goddess of a person but I think I summed it up pretty good...

Person 1: wow is that Hailey Boyd??
Person 2: omg step out of the way for our queen!!

by John_Stamos_69_420 November 11, 2020

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