a common suspicion of players that might be a cheater. happens when a gamer appears sometimes like a pro and sometimes like a noob. this is noob is referred as the little brother and vice versa.
player john: bro this dude is cheating so hard!!!!
neok: get better bro its the big bro little bro theory
When neokcs puts a face urban dictionary screenshot in a video.
"That could be his brother playing" - lil bro big bro theory
A guy who has respect for male etiquette. A guy who is not greedy and strives to be ethical and decent in his dealings with his bros.
Marc: Yo!! Chris and Tyler just broke up man! This is your chance to ask them out man!
Tyrone: Nah man, I’m good.
Marc: Yoo but you had been crushing on her for so long!!
tyrone: Yeah man but I’m friends with Chris, She’s off limits.
Marc: Dang bro, you a real Bro’s Bro