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A gay fuck who likes to stick crackers to the ceiling with his ejaculatory fluids. He also likes to fantasize about his teachers when cleaning his trumpet.

Look out ms.teacher! Carson is coming your way.

by Quichalishious69 February 2, 2020

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The best name out there for a girl! Carson's are beautiful, intelligent, very introverted and shy but once you get to know her she is very silly and playful. You will never forget a Carson... you will wish you used your chances to talk to her years later. Talk to a Carson, she will steal your heart. (Normally tall)

Guy: "That girl is so beautiful, I want to talk to her!"
Guy 2: "That's a Carson, be nice to her!"

by cwute April 7, 2016

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


An amazing guy with brown eyes. He is hot af and has amazing hair. But don’t touch his hair or he will get mad. If you happen to meet a carson then u just met the perfect guy ever. He lies sometimes but the good out weighs the bad. He has really good choice in friends but sometimes he hangs with the wrong friend group.

Your as cool as a carson

by Mr. Bright December 14, 2017

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A Carson is a smexy adorable little baby. He is the cutest thing a person could ever have in their life. Breaking up with a Carson is like hitting your self with a metal baseball bat. Carson is a tiny little creature that can be a butthole some times but most of the time he is adorable. Carson is addicted to video games and will ditch you for it.

friend: Omg is that Carson?
you: He is my future husband
friend: No mine!!
you: Eat my ass, he's mine!

by chikennoodlesoup March 1, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Someone who owns a fake ID. He likes to play roblox. And he lives up a hole. Your dad's hole. He identifies as a guy. He CAN be cute. BUT, He's a dick. Definition of dick : a happy person. :) He can be a pervert but it's funny. LOL


by KISSMYASSBITCHES September 2, 2018

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


He is the stupidest bitch you will ever meet. Very ugly and will get no girls. And is very short, but sometimes with make you laugh.

Man 1: Man, Carson is so fucking stupid and will never get any girls.

by Annie Slannon August 1, 2020

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Carson is a player, all he mainly wants in a relationship is sex . But he can also be a caring person if needed, and a good friend. Hes very crazy and hard to control, he takes everything to the extreme. Better be careful tho, he can turn around and drop you real quick if you say something to offend him in any way or if you dont do what he says

Person 1: who is that boy running around?
Person 2: oh, thats Carson!

by ghostwriter12 July 13, 2018

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