A hilarious mid 90's animated variety show that features characters Space Ghost, Brak, and Zorak, from the 60's cartoon "Space Ghost" digitally placed into backgrounds part of "Cartoon Planet", the name of the show and where the show is hosted. Though Space Ghost and Zorak now focus more on comedy and conversation, Space Ghost claims that Brak went through brain damage shortly before coming on Cartoon Planet, hence his speech impediment and short term memory loss.
Not to be confused with Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Cartoon Planet is a completely separate show and actually began airing after Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
Main segments of the show included sing-a-longs, reading letters from viewers, story time, and others.
Brak: *singing* I'm going down highway 40 in my big ol' pickup truck!
Brak: I forget how to be mean, that radiation half-lobotomized me.
Space Ghost: Say, I've got an idea. Let Zorak teach you how to be mean.
Zorak: Oh, man! Do I hafta?
Space Ghost: Yes, you hafta.
Zorak: Okay Brak. Repeat after me. Space Ghost! I will destroy you!
Brak: Space Ghost! I will destroy you... if you don't mind.
Cartoon Planet Fan: If SGC2C and The Brak Show are on DVD, why isn't Cartoon Planet?! *rage*
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A word for anime used by people who want to annoy weebs.
Stop watching Chinese cartoons and get a job.
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- A tv channel that kicks Nickelodeon's ass. (but fucked up Dexter' Lab by downgrading the graphics of the characters and quality of the show. Like the animator died and the got some a** to do it.
I watch Cartoon Network to watch Adult Swim.
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When someone sees all that occurs through a lens of wacky humor in which even mayhem and sudden death is wildly hilarious.
She copes by retaining the wildly colorful cartoon perspective sheβs held since childhood.
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Havng a crush on a cartoon character.
"I love (insert cartoon character)"
"You cartoon sexual!!"
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a mid 70s dance style perfected by the Scott Brothers in the mid 80s, fusing Popping (ie; strut, boogaloo, strobe, twistoflex, tut etc...) with isometrics, isolations, mime, and mimickry from cartoons, resulting in optical illusion or 'trippy' effect
Man....their cartoon popping don't look real!
A channel that airs all animated shows. The shows during the day are all meant for children, and, as stated before, consist mainly of hacked up anime. However, starting at eleven, airs adult swim. The greatest mix of comedy and anime on television today.
"Dude, did you see Family Guy last night?"
"Hell yeah man, that's some funny stuff."
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