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wailing caverns ass

The Wailing Caverns or wc is an instance in World of Warcraft for approximately levels 15-21. An extraordinarily long and overly complicated dungeon, with poor groups (pugs) it can take a horrifyingly long time, though the rewards (xp and items from quests, plus loot and xp from killing mobs) sometimes make it worth it.

Usually, however, it takes way longer than expected, making your ass fall asleep and become numb. Can be used whenever something forces you to stay at the computer far longer than expected.

Burned-out raider: Oh god, this naxx25 started out so well, then we wiped on 4horsemen for so long I got some major Wailing Caverns Ass.

by impsythealmighty May 12, 2009

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Pampered Shit Cavern

A butt slut whose asshole is so gapingly loose that she/he must wear a diaper to contain their anal secretions.

Leigh had to pick up some Pampers at the store because she is a Pampered Shit Cavern and doesn't want to leave stains on everything she sits on.

by Duff McGee December 5, 2005

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Cavern Black Metal

A sub-genre of Black Metal.
Charecterized by really lousy sound quality.
Primitive music and lyrics are usually present in Cavern Black Metal, but are not always a neccessity.

Most Cavern Black Metal bands are considered kvlt and tr00.

The name Cavern Black Metal is derived from the lousy sound quality, as though it has been recorded in a cave.

- OMG, have you listen to that kvlt band Sodomizers of Sodom?
- Nope, what do they play?
- Cavern Black Metal, what else?

by Svarog July 14, 2006

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Your Mother's Cavernous Vagina

The long tunnel into the light that you call a vagina. See also, Hot Topic. And pink sock.

Dude, I went into your mother's cavernous vagina the other day and found these awesome pants!

by Titty sprinkles. June 24, 2009

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super duper cube cavern

a roblox game with a community full of people who send gore, love minors, furrys and more!

you ever heard of the shithole super duper cube cavern?

by oh, okay then. December 9, 2022

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cavernous pussy energy

energy that envelopes and consumes all other energy with ease and style, truly a masterful way of being and showing and proving

man, my mom really has the CPE(cavernous pussy energy) rockin tonight. my dad just complained and she blew that fucker off.

by September 14, 2020

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salmon cavern

A smelly vagina.

Alice: Wanna Netflix and chill?
Chad: Ain't gonna be putting my wood in that Salmon Cavern tonight.

by athh96@! January 24, 2018