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People who are insanely easy to hate.

Hym "You know, I wonder where my distain for celebrities comes from. Seriously, you see these people in their ivory towers and they have nothing good to say about the people on the bottom rung of society (and this even applies to the ones that I like). And you could say (and I have said in the past) 'Oh, you don't know them. They're just people.' and that's all well and good but they'll never see the people they spit on. They'll never want for anything (at least in a monetary sense). It's not even just jealousy. It's that while I'm in the bread line the millionaire that considers me a fat lazy piece of shit is relaxing in their gated community above it all. When the temp agency has me at a pizza factory and I'm tearing mounds of dough off the line 45-60 minutes straight so the machine doesn't clog and no one in the factory is coming to help me and the 4 people in my immediate proximity are just standing there talking while I struggle; they're doing little more than pointing a camera at their own face for a million dollars. What insult would reach them? What would I have to say to remind them of the nature of existence?"

by Hym Iam May 5, 2022


All right, I'm just gonna show what big hypocrites everyone else on this definition are.
Thank you for your useless information. Now, what do you think of Kurt Cobain? Yes, whether you like it or not, Kurt was technically a celebrity. He certainly was rich enough to fit into the "1% controlling 90% of the money" category. Or Mick Jagger? He still is a celebrity. Yes, for every mick there is a paris. Yes, the celbrity-stalking tabloids are incredibly stupid. That's why their average reader has an IQ of 21, but still, think before you post, children.

Lets see, I don't have anything to do, so I'll post a definition of "celebrity" that is identical to 20 other peoples', and then I will b e happy. Yay!

by king of canada September 27, 2006

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The act of preserving a memory with a enjoyable activity; fulfilling and complying with a social, legal, ethical, religious or spiritual obligation. Actions that are intended to show appreciation, gratitude and admiration to said tradition/memory.

The LORD's Sabbath's, New Moon and High Holy Days are worthy of celebration. (Celebrate)

by Onias Ben israel July 25, 2019

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A sparkling weasel-like creature that you often see in a movie or television show. But most of the time they're just trying to pretend they're someone else. Mark Hamill (an older celebrity) thinks he's a galactic Jedi warrior. Arnold Schwarzenegger (the longest name in the English language) thinks he's a robot from the future sent back to kill Sarah Connor. And, perhaps most bizarrely, Kristen Stewart (A.K.A. KS Bot 3000) thinks she's a rape-piรฑata for a werewolf and a vampire. They inhabit many places in the world, but most exist in Los Angeles, California, for a reason that has not yet been determined.

Plural-Celebriti (as in octopi)

Chris: "Hey, do you want to drive up to Los Angeles for the weekend?
Tom: "No way, dude. That place is crawling with celebriti."
Chris: "Oh, yeah. Last time I saw a celebrity, it had a crowd of venomous leeches swarming around it, frantically taking pictures."
Tom: "Haha, I'm so glad we're not celebriti."
Chris: "Totally."

by PearlJam24 November 23, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Relative term for someone who is known by people who have never met them because they have done something worth talking about or putting in the media.

For example, you may hear about a guy who saved a drowning baby in your city, but no one outside of you county has heard of him. So celebrity is a relative term.

Most people usually only think of celebrities as the kind who are in the entertainment industry, because they are the best known, and even if they fade out of mainstream, they will usually still have cult status.

The guy who saves the baby, if he makes national news, will be popular for maybe a week or two, then no one will give a damn anymore.

People with the more stable celebrity status are not just entertainers, but also politicians and bussinessmen. Can anyone honestly say that Bill Gates and George W. Bush aren`t celebrities? But they never had to sing or act.

Also, people should not hate on celebrities so much. Not all of them are bad, and most of the things people complain about(ie all the other definitions for celebrity) are not the real problems with them anyway.

People who hate celebrities are just jealous. There is not any need to be jealous, and celeb-haters will pretend to agree with that because they are just insecure losers who take refuge by being poser and by dissing people they know are better than them.

Celebrities are no different from anyone else. The only reason ignorant assholes think so is because you are obviously going to hear more about the guy who buys half and island is obviously going to draw more media attention than the guy who goes to help in Africa for a month(unless its Bono).

Problems with celebrities are the people`s fault, not the celebrities. Not that they are not responsible for themselves, but it is societies fault that the jackasses get famous.

You(being a moron) are jealous of celebrity. So you are more interested in the story where he is DUI than the story about him donating $100,000 to fight cancer. Surveys are taken all over the country, showing that assholes like you prefer the negative stuff. The mass media wants best possible ratings, so they show the bad stuff the most, and mostly follow the celebrities who always screw up.

Level of celebrity is about fame(generally caused by media attention) more than by money.

I can personally guarantee you that more Americans have heard of Eminem than Ross Perot, who has more money.

And you are also an idiot if you think celebrities cause people do be poor. Give poor people their money, how retarded are you? Who do you think gives celebrities money. Not all poor people are stuck being poor. Some are poor because they spend more money to go to the movies that they should be saving for rent. Instead, they get evicted. And it is their fault not some celebrity who just made a movie.

Celebrities` popularity is also the whole reason they get payed so much. They used to just get a flat paycheck, until Danny DeVito realized it makes no sense for the producers to make more profit based on the movie`s success, and that actors should to. He demanded to take a percentage for his role as the Penguin in Batman Returns, and actors have been payed this way ever since.

You hear a new movie stars Jennifer Lopez and Chris Rock(this is hypothetical) so you make sure to get to the movie even though it doesn`t sound very interesting. It sucks, but makes $40.6 million in box offices thanks to people like you who watch it just because of the celebrities who you claim to hate, but really wish you were them because you know how worthless your own pathetic life is.

Also, they aren`t all lazy, not that there is a problem with being lazy. Being lazy is only bad if you need money but are just sitting around doing nothing instead of trying to make money, then blaming your poorness on the system.

If your are poor enough that you have to chastise celebrities, you should be out working instead of spending money you don`t have for and internet connection to bitch about how everyone else is better than you.

Loser`s thoughts: Damn. I am ugly and poor. Justin Timberlake is rich and famous, and gets all the chicks. I wish I was him. His music is awesome, too. But I can`t let my friends know, I have to keep up this hardcore gangsta image of mine. If it comes up, I`ll just call him a deushbag and blame him for societies problems. I`m popular enough that they`ll even pretend to agree!

by tanukisanyo June 4, 2005

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To drink a lot. Drinking

Lets celebrate this weekend (Lets drink this weekend and indulge in debauchery and belligerence).

by AJ February 22, 2005

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a person who takes over the whole road and is generally an incompetent driver.

look at that celebrity in front, and they are driving a 20 k car

by Sam Jordan May 15, 2003

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