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butt chigga

small anoyying chinkie kid

a little chinese kid that is really anoyying and like really needs a punch is called a butt chigga, i also called a girl name lucy this cause i get bored but not the point

by kirk hi;iyqbdch qd December 8, 2009

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ku chigga

a word to use effection after something totally sweet just happen

Yo Jenna and Kristen raimo are hot, ku chigga.
I'd tapp that, ku chigga.
I justed tapped that, ku chigga.

by frank yahdiggg May 12, 2008

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ku chigga

a word to use effection after something totally sweet just happen

Yo Jenna and Kristen raimo are hot, ku chigga.
I'd tapp that, ku chigga.
I justed tapped that, ku chigga

by frank c yah diiggg May 12, 2008

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Pun Chigga

A racial slur. A mixture of both punjabi and chigga. Usually meant as a term of endirement, or can be used as an insult. It is said, or yelled at brown people.

Yo Chigga, wasssup??
Yo Ramthasoran, Shut your pun chigga mouth BiiiiiiiiAAAAtch!

by tttttttom November 19, 2003

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sad chigga hours

sad chigga hours are where a person of Asian descent gets in their feels from 12am-6am.

Konichiwa, it's sad chigga hours.

by The blasian chigga August 26, 2017

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big chigga balls

what the homies say to eachother when they on some susssss shit (NO AMONG US)

Joe Bowler: Whats up big chigga balls

Faze Uncs: Yes

(kiss moment)

Lil Nut: Yhyh drillaaaaaaaaaaaaa

by Faze UncsBuncs January 12, 2021

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chigga lang lang

Something made up referring to a person place or thing or an idea whatever at the time is spontaneous and exact and absolutely correct

What are you going to be doing this weekend Tom ..... Tom replies "Chigga Lang Lang bitches"

by ๐Ÿฅœ January 28, 2021