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A festering, pus-filled, malignant and incurable tumor on the sphincter of humanity.

The religion of Christianity has killed millions of ignorant followers for eons. It's a fatal disease.

by MetalBear427 May 29, 2013

32๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


A way of thinking centered around rules and restrictions created by an unseen entity who is said to have unimaginable power. This is a philosophy based on fear. One's fear of contempt causes an individual to behave in a desired and dictated fashion. This "desired" way of life is dictated by mortals, men and women, people who should have no authority on propriety. Those that are needy, or find themselves in a rut, or a slump of sort, commonly gravitate toward this institution searching for a crutch to help curb the bitterness of reality, to give them an out. These people are known as "Christians." These Christians feel that by decieving themselves into believing that there is a higher power, a reason to it all, and that there is someone out there who will, after all is said and done,love them, they should reach some sort of peace with themselves and the world around them. Unfortunately, no peace is ever attained. Doubt constantly plagues their minds, causing them to delve deeper into this pretend world of promised deliverance. This is an organization where the lost, weary, and broken can congregate to collectively search through practicing preordained ceremonies said to
bring one closer to this "higher power." All of which is conducted in vain, because what they ultimately seek is their shared thirst for acceptance.

Christianity is no more than a mere crutch with no solidity, or legitamacy to take hold of.
Christianity is Lacking the validity that one might seek before entrusting his or her own well being.

by Anonymous April 2, 2003

111๐Ÿ‘ 144๐Ÿ‘Ž


A religion that claims it is superior to all others and that only those who believe in its message will be saved from burning in an eternal fire. A religion that sugar codes everything and has a double standard for almost everything non-christian. A religion that has persecuted non-christians for centuries, especially Jews and blames Jews for the death of Jesus and continues to do so. A religion that feels the need to shove its principles down everyone's throats in an attempt to convert them to Christianity. A religion that for the most part praises christian missionaries who travel to third world countries, not to help the people in need, but to convert them instead. Christian Missionaries all over the world are not building shelters or centers or hospitals to help the sick, the poor and the wounded instead they are building churches and are using your donations to preach the gospel. A belief in religious superiority is to blame for historical religious persecution and even today is still at the core of antisemitism, terrorism, racism, sexism, extremism, homophobia and ethnic cleansing.
The bible only is clear on its message of concerning those who believe differently, yet it contradicts itself whenever it is used to promote love an tolerance for all mankind. Science alone has contradicted the bible and continues to do so with facts instead of theories.

Christianity believes it is the one true religion and the only path to God.

by SonicEmpire May 27, 2006

80๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand.

You've had 2000 years to prove your point, Christianity. It's over. Now fuck off.

by JayVX April 19, 2010

48๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something antichrists always bring up on forums to bash and offend Christians and demean Christianity and the mods never have a problem with it since they're all antichrists too and and no one ever has any problems with it until some Christian speaks up and says that it's not very cool of them all to be doing that.Then the mods usually get mad at the Christian for making a big deal out of it.Christians almost never bring it up and the rare times they do it's always passive and harmless and completely non-offensive and they still get bashed on by the antichrists and the antichrist mods close the thread too early.But 99.9% of the time it's the antichrists who always bring up the topic of Jesus or the bible or Christianity just to be demeaning assholes about it.

Christianity is on the receiving end of entirely too much bullshit.And it's always the pompous antichrists who are always bringing the topic up time and time again.

by South Park fan December 9, 2005

70๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


The cult that won.

Various people many thousands of years ago invented a cult called Christianity that allowed them to gain political and personal power by taking advantage of the masses gullibility. This cult has gained more political power, and taken advantage of more people than any other cult ever created, and thus is the most successful. People also now call it a religion, because that's how you legitimize large cults.

by Richard West August 21, 2009

56๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


The belief that you won't go to an imaginary place unless you believe in an imaginary guy that performed imaginary miracles in an imaginary town.

Christianity Christ

by Porrtrtra April 28, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž