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One who walks around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment. Scum.

Football players who continually lie about their stats, weight, strength. Meynig is a douchebag.

by Gucci Mane January 11, 2007

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A douchebag has no imagination or intelligence.

A douchebag copies your ideas, clothing, home style and speech and passes it off as their own after doing that a douchebag lectures you on how to think, dress, decorate and or speak as if he or she didn't steal your identity.

A douchebag eventually reveals him or herself to everyone because you can't fool everyone all of the time.

I can't believe it, that douchebag stole my idea and is pretending its his. Everyone is kissing that douchebags ass because they think his ideas are original and interesting. That douchebag has the nerve to have his wife introduce him as the idea man after stealing everyone's ideas!!

by canobeer February 7, 2010

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A man who has an ego bigger than the world. Also can be called motherfucker or asshole. They tend to frequent clubs and try to dance with men's girlfriends.

All the guys on "Jersey Shore" are all douchebags.

by jkloser December 8, 2009

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A person that thinks they are extremely cool or special because they have an iPhone, iPad, or other Apple product. These people tend to be unusually "excited" about their mediocre devices and try extremely hard to let everyone know that they have one by displaying it at all possible times. These people are typically unpaid walking shills for Apple, eager to praise any and all moves made by the company including the emotional/ blabbering defense of any perceived affront.

Look at that douchebag sitting in Starbucks with his iPad propped up on the table turned so everyone can see. Poor schmuck probably thinks it's a laptop. What's that pressed to his temple? Oh of course, an iPhone4. Looks like he can't get good reception, he must be holding it wrong. lol.

by The Bone Smuggler July 12, 2010

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One of the lowest of the lows... selfish bastards thinking only about themselves with no concern for others or the consequences of their actions. Possibly one step away from mental retardation, these people seem to make decisions no one can understand. Possibly an evolution issue? The kind of person that makes you shake your head.

Singor was a complete and total douchebag. He borrowed money from his girlfriend to take a holiday with his mistress... not his only mistress.

by spanksme March 23, 2010

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A douchebag, or douche is a person, usually male, who has one of the following critereas:

1. He usually wears bright colored shirts, usually abercrombie and fitch or hollister. Sometimes they will wear a polo and keep the collar up for style.

2. They usually wear big ass belts, and feel the need to leave the front of the shirt tucked into it, leaving the big ass logo showing.

3. Although they are talk very loud, their voice gets much louder when they start talking about how much they got wasted or how they fucked their girlfriend.

4. 90% of what douches say is a lie or exaggerated.

5. They refer to their friend as ''bro'' or ''dawg''.

6. They usually have fun putting down weaker kids, just to look cool in front of others.

7. They have fun insulting each others mothers all day, but as soon as one says anything about another's girlfriend, the guy goes crazy.

8. Their sentences emphasize on swear words.

Nerd: Hey guys.

Douchebag 1: Get the fuck out, pussy ass bitch.

Douche 2: OMG bro your so FUCKING hilarious. Your so cool for insulting that nerd. This makes me even happier than yesterday when we got WASTED and I fucked my girl!!

Cool kids: Wow, what douchebags...they must be part of circle jerk.

by shotty bounce December 3, 2009

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1. Arrogant, self-centered, always right.

2. Sleazy, underhanded, scheming, with ulterior motives.
3. Thinks they are good at something they can only perform in a basic manner.

1. Look, I am not going to argue with you about this. You have no idea what my perspective is and to think you do makes you a douchebag.

2. Your wife's former boyfriend who calls after he gets divorced (often for being a douchebag) and then wants to 'catch-up' with her and be your 'friend'.

3. The guy who says he plays guitar and then struggles to choke out 'Smoke on the Water'

by lazysod May 23, 2009

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