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August 2 - National 🍦πŸ₯ͺ day and Colouring πŸ“• Day

Celebrate August 2nd by making an ice cream sandwich or colour something in a colouring book! Now I want to eat a ice cream sandwich right now! Are there any shops with them?

Person 1: Happy National ice cream sandwich and colouring book day!

Person 2: Thanks! You too! I made a sandwich for today!

(August 2 - National 🍦πŸ₯ͺ day and Colouring πŸ“• Day!

by speakingthemind August 3, 2021

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

National shut the fuck up and stop making up unfunny fake days on urban dictionary day

A day on April 21st. Just shut up, dude


Dude 2: shut up, its National shut the fuck up and stop making up unfunny fake days on urban dictionary day

by Troller7164 April 19, 2021

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

some days chicken some days feathers

Sometimes you up, which is when you'd have a chicken, you know a whole bird, you full and some days feathers, you down, ain't got shit but the part you can't eat, still hungry

Hey how's it going?
You know, some days chicken some days feathers

by Coloredwrong August 24, 2023


Software that is written so poorly that it must be changed very frequently in order for it to fulfill its intended purpose.

Man, I had to change that day-to-day-ware code several times a day to keep it running!

by s2theg January 20, 2008

national day one day

The day you appreciate your β€œDay one” the friends that has been with you since the beginning and never stabbed you in the back

it’s national day one day show some appreciation to the friend that’s been there since the beginning

by DrFitzSlurp July 3, 2023

Day to-day

A phrase to annoy the f**k out of your music teacher. Seriously. They want to die when you say it. They do. It’s funny, though.

how are your eyes? WITH PRIDE! when? day to-day.

by Bruh jah man September 25, 2019

Day to Day

So, here is a day in the life of Chris Williamson.... First he wakes up and takes a 50 minute walk... Which is literally doing nothing... And then he meditates and reads for and hour and a half... Which is also doing nothing... And then he has a 2 hour conversation that HE HIMSELF would tell you not to watch because he believes social media is bad... And then he does food preparation... Which is essentially just eating with more step... And then... That's the end of the list. That's a 5 hour day. 2/3rds of which is doing nothing.

Hym "So, his Day to Day is nothing. He does nothing. It doesn't contribute to anything other than the maintenance of his own lifestyle."

by Hym Iam November 28, 2024