A man who is a poor excuse of a grown man. a childish waste of space.
yeah that man a dickless man. he is such a waste of space.
Someone that defines being a complete twat.
An angry statement at a cocky, spineless douchebag.
Something Bill always said.
David is a pussy... "Dickless bender"
1) Bradley Manning
2) a man who's SO cowardly, he'd sell out his country for a sex-change operation.
"I am tired of hearing about Manning in the news, he's a fucking 'Dickless Traitor'!"
Adjective. It describes a person who has no guts but makes themselves seem all important. Normally acts very arrogant and like they are better than everyone else.
Can also be used on your friends to confuse them
Person A: *talking about how superior they are over everyone else.*
Person B: Your such a dickless dragon
Person A: Wtf
Ih the heirarchy of d bagery this is the top rank. An individual who showes cowardice and cocksucker traits at the same time.
Look hear Dickless McDickbreath, we aint having this shit.
That one guy in your high school that is incredibly skinny or incredibly fat that has no female friends and doesn’t pull girls. They’re the type of people you would laugh at if they were working out in the fitness room because they’re so incompetent
Guy 1:Yo you wanna go to the mall
Dickless nerd:Sorry I can’t, I’m playing dungeons and dragons for 12 hours
Guy 1:Jeez you’re such a Dickless Nerd
a person or friend who talks shit about their friends on this site.
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