Source Code


Synonym: cock-block

When you almost got her out the door of the club, but another guy trolling the exit comes up and talks her away.

When a girl (friend) asks you to run interference while a guy is talking to her that she's not interested in.

Go stand by the exits and cause a dickstraction so she doesn't go home with him.

by Nikki N Curtis December 17, 2023


Synonym: cock-block

When you almost got her out the door of the club, but another guy trolling the exit comes up and talks her away.

When a girl (friend) asks you to run interference while a guy is talking to her that she's not interested in.

Go stand by the exits and cause a dickstraction so she doesn't go home with him.

by Nikki N Curtis December 17, 2023


When the sex between you and a male is so lit and hott he's doing you no other good infact he's actually nothing but keeping you distracted with his dick making it hard for you to focus on anything else, Wich is getting to be a more of a problem than it should be.

Homegirl598-"No more Dickstraction's. Sorry boy you gotta go though FR fr!"

by Tricki-SchemeTeam2015-Captain February 24, 2019


Process of Extraction of a dick

Emily - " OMG I found my boyfriend cheating on me"
Shae - babe you better dickstract him

by Kleanere October 4, 2018