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you are a really really really dumb person and i love hate you right now

fing dingbat

by ajimin April 12, 2021


Someone who compulsively checks their smartphone every time it makes a sound indicating they've received a text or email.

Every time her phone makes a noise, she rushes to check it. What a dingbat!

by Superhamster! March 2, 2016


a person who says stupid things, or does stupid stuff. dingbats are generally stupid all together, and are usually friends with other dingbats. dingbats enjoy re-stating simple questions after they are explained, and not following simple instructions.

teacher- okay class, cut it out, and glue it in.
student- *glues in the entire paper*
teacher- are yu a dingbat? i just told you what to do!?

by olie bollie April 24, 2017


A jerk/stupid person

You are a dingbat man

by Big mans not hot March 18, 2021


A nocturnal regular patron of the ding (casino) , usually high on meth and often panhandling or selling stolen property for gambling money

Man1: dude it's 3am, where can i get a used cell phone and some meth? Man2: lets go to the casino and hit up one of the dingbats.

by alleymic April 16, 2019


you are a fucking idiot bruh
can be interchanged with fuckhead

stop acting like a dingbat you fuckhead

by ThePlatformerAU December 27, 2023


Dylan Tober on a daily basis

Tober was being a fucking Dingbat

by Ting Mon December 30, 2020