Being douchey, annoying, unpleasant and vile while simultaneously being of use or service; serving some purpose; advantageous, helpful, or of good effect: a doucheful member of society.
2011; douche + -ful
—Related forms
douche·ful·ly, adverb
douche·ful·ness, noun
un·douche·ful, adjective
un·douche·ful·ly, adverb
un·douche·ful·ness, noun
1, 2. doucheless.
That guy's a douche but he's useful - he's totally doucheful.
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Someone usually a male, who is too feminie to be called a douche bag.
"Yeah whatever douchness, keep filing your nails and drinking panty droppers"
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To truly describe a douche would be relatively impossible. But here are some of the tell-tale signs that let you know if you, or someone you know maybe be suffering from being a douche:
-Wears american eagle/lacoste shirts with collar permanently popped
-Walks with a little too much of a gangster bounce in his step(note that this rule does not apply if douche in question is black. being dark brown doesn't keep you exempt from this rule)
-Talks like they have an expanse of knowledge of the world when it is in fact the opposite
-Talks obnoxiously and douche-tastically loud so that others have no option but to overhear they're ridiculously trivial conversations
-Pretending to be black, under any circumstances, constitutes automatic doucheness
-Punch their friends on the shoulder soft enough not to hurt, but hard enough to think they actually have some dominance in their circle of friends
-Wear the christian cross on a necklace when their not religious because they want to be like one of those religious badasses in the action movies(e.g. the sniper in Saving Private Ryan. only but he was actually religious)
-Thinking their the fucking bees knees when in reality they're just a DOUCHE!!!
*brown man walks in with popped collar and overly large bounce in his step*
Observer 1: Check out the height on that collar. A true display of douchebaggery
Observer 2: And the bounce puts the icing on his douchebag cake.
Observer 3: I bet he thinks he's the fucking bees knees...
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A word, which describes someone who has numerous personality defects, which make them undesirable and unfit for social interaction. These people are repulsive and are likened to a douche, a device used to clean the most unsightly areas of the human body--the asshole and the pussy, which, not by coincidence, are words often used interchangeably with the world "douche" to describe such a person. Characteristics of a douche, include but are not limited to being cocky, pompous, self-centered, selfish, mean-spirited, and of course, being an asshole or a pussy, as mentioned earlier.
That guy in the Camero is such a douche, I can smell his Drakkar even with my windows rolled up. His own mother must hate him. What an asshole/pussy.
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The way fucktards spell douche.
props to the one guy who correctly people from saying dush
If you spell it douch, you are a real douchebag
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Kanye West post VMA awards, after dissing Taylor Swift, has become the definition of douche
That douche interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to spout some bullshit!!! What a douche!!
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Pronounced "doosh"
*Vaginal cleaning item.
*An offense-purpose word toward a person.
"You're such a douche!"
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