Duan is the leader of berwick if he sees you he will kill you. Also dont let your kids near him as he likes them. He is a future NBA star with the help from his coachers.
Please dont come near me duan thomas
When you have just suffered a "Duane," or a "Duane-like" experience.
From the verb, To Duane (v) -- 1. showing up three hours early to everything, 2. Uncomfortably prying too much into female friend's plans (usually with sexual over- under- and between-tones), 3. making sexually inappropriate comments and memes.
Being Duaned is related to being Chaded, but with bikes and tattoos instead of boat shoes and beer.
"Ugh, Duane. Quit Duaning me! "
"I'll Duane your mouth"
... #doubleduaned
When first meeting someone getting very close to them (face to face) and saying " people of both genders find me sexually attractive"
Most effective when your an older gentleman and speaking to a man younger in age. Duane-ing some is always a proper way to make friends
A very tall person with a great personality. Is great in bed and is a handsome person. His a people person. His educated and has a kind heart. Duan’s are ones to keep
Duane is a rather mixed bag when it comes to his personality and unique characteristics. What he lacks in some areas; he more than makes up for in others. He can quite often be found training hard in the gym - usually everyday, in fact. He enjoys doing many interesting exercises, such as squats and hip thrusts. He can usually be found doing the latter, whilst keeping eye contact with other boys around him and occasionally winking. I should also touch upon the fact that Duane does not have much worth mentioning when it comes to academia. Whilst he is more than capable of reciting his 1 and 2 times table with little to no mistakes, he tends to struggle with anything more strenuous. Duane is also a big fan of racing, animals, food and of big big bundas. He is also very competitive and annoyingly, usually wins at whatever sport/ game he is taking part in, much to the annoyance of his opponents.
Man, that Duane keeps staring at me whilst I work out. I think he’s gay.
A gay guy with the biggest butt in the world who likes men. As simple as that. He wants to go in the bed with them butt naked.
Guy"Dang, Duane Rudder has the biggest butt in the world, he must be great in the bed room too."
Girl"Eww he is gross and gay."