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1. A word used to define the context of a word, action, etc.)

2. The box on the website “Urban Dictionary” that is used for showing the context of the defined word in a casual conversation.

This is the box where people on this website have to imput how the defined word can be used in the context of a casual conversation. Like the word “example”.

by Ttguhvutyh September 2, 2020




by b4ggy April 15, 2021


An example is something where you give an example

For example, I am very cool.

by oknad December 21, 2021


A way of explaining something through application

For Example: You could use an example to show 2+2=4 by using apples

by MarkiParki92 January 23, 2025


The opposite of an example, tells the audience how NOT to do something.

Teacher: Be attentive when our guest speaker is giving their speech
Student lounging with their phone at the back: Whut do u mean be attentive?
Teacher, irritated: Well a contra-example will be acting like you

by Harvard University Press July 13, 2019

Example before definition

1) I'm gonna create a word
2) What is it gonna be?
1) Example before definition

When you switch the definition and example you get example before definition

by Saetern May 30, 2018


Verb: To give a series of examples; to provide several answers at one

“Please examplize how you would create a safe work environment
“He was examplizing how to create a safe work environment to me.”

by samwojtaszek667 October 29, 2023