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Extraphysical Epistemology

Extraphysical Epistemology, also Epistemological Extraphysicalism, is the idea that extraphysics and everything related to the extraphysical cannot be studied by naturalist or positivist means as natural sciences are studied, but being necessary a development of an epistemology and methodology dedicated for the study of extraphysics such as of a whole philosophy and ideas for the study of extraphysics, such as it's almost impossible or literally impossible to study about extraphysics like natural sciences are and it will be literally impossible to get scientific evidences about them studying as natural sciences are studied. Believing that extraphysics and everything related to it are from an area separated from hard sciences and soft sciences, but a third area that could be called as extraphysical sciences or even as spiritual sciences.

"Extraphysical epistemology is a nice way to slove the problem about extraphysical things be considered as pseudoscience by materialists, positivists and physicalists as well. But it might take some years until we have a well developed extraphysical epistemology for start developing extraphysical mechanics, extraphysics and extraphysicalism as a whole."

by Full Monteirism April 10, 2021

Accelerator Extraphysics

Accelerator extraphysics is a branch of applied extraphysics, concerned with designing, building and operating extraphysical particle accelerators. As such, it can be described as the study of motion, manipulation and observation the charged extraphysical particle beam and their interaction with accelerator structures by extraphysical electromagnetic fields. And the possibilty of find any extraphysical signals and evidences on classical particle accelerators such as seeing if it is possible to detect extraphysics in classical physics ways.

"Accelerator extraphysics in an interesting branch of extraphysics, it might be really good to find out if extraphysics can affect the physical level or not, such as find extraphysical evidences in objective ways."

"Accelerator extraphysics will be one of the first steps on the study of extraphysical mechanics and extraphysics as a whole, mainly as the experimentation of extraphysics in an objective way."

by Full Monteirism March 3, 2021

Extraphysical Retardation

A mental health condition whose primary symptom is a compulsion to post massive numbers of definitions beginning with "Extraphysical".

That Full Monteirism dude has a raging case of extraphysical retardation.

by lnjwzqhi June 18, 2022

Extraphysical Energy

Extraphysical energy is the name given to the forms of energy that exist at the extraphysical level, both used to refer to cosmic energies and the extraphysical energies of extraphysical systems in general.

"I am trying to calculate how much technology and power is necessary for create machines that are moved by extraphysical energy and detect them."

"Even if extraphysical energy and the whole extraphysical mechanics theory are correct, they have almost nothing to do with quantum mechanics and classical mechanics formulas and calculations and they are hard to be used and detected such as what new agers think they are easy to be used and detected."

by Full Monteirism February 28, 2021

Extraphysical Mechanics

Extraphysical Mechanics, also Extraphysical Mechanics Theory and sometimes simply known as Extraphysics, is a hypothesis and a stance that states that there are extraphysical mechanisms and properties that interact with matter such as there are things beyond matter and physics that interact with matter and physics in a way it's hard to realize but it's possible to realize during spiritual, mystical, esoteric, religious and extraphysical experiences and it's an interaction between the physical body with the extraphysical body where both, physical and extraphysical might be the same thing on different states and levels. Extraphysical mechanics also supports there's an interaction between physics and extraphysics and it's well known for the concepts of extraphysical superposition, extraphysical entanglement, extraphysical mind, extraphysical spirit, physical-extraphysical entanglement of bodies and for the philosophies of extraphysicalism, extramaterialism and extranaturalism. Extraphysical Mechanics is considered a hypothesis and it's considered as an open field and a field that cannot be determined, proved or disproved by natural sciences but something else that should have it's own methods and theories, besides do not be considered as scientific because it's not part of natural sciences but for something called as spiritual sciences, extranatural sciences and even as extraphysical sciences.

"Extraphysical Mechanics is an interesting hypothesis and philosophy, but even it doesn't being scientific at all, it's a nice philosophy and an open field of study and development, such as multiverses actually are."

by Full Monteirism May 12, 2021

Dialectical Extraphysicalism

Dialectical Extraphysicalism, sometimes Dialectical Extramaterialism, is a philosophical theory, similar to Dialectical Spiritualism, that holds that the society and the individuals are result of the extraphysical and extramaterial conditions and all material and physical conditions are byproducts of the extraphysical-extramaterial conditions as well. Dialectical extraphysicalism also supports that there's a dialectical relation between physics and extraphysics and this relation is what leads society and the world into what it is today, also supporting that political, historical and social events result from the interaction between physical and extraphysical forces and are interpretable as a series of contradictions and their solutions. The conflict is believed to be caused by the material needs and extramaterial needs and the interaction and connection between both. Where both, material and extramaterial needs are equally necessary for the individuals and society itself.

"I am studying about dialectical extraphysicalism and it's a really interesting theory and way to understand who the world actually work, mainly using of extraphysicalism and extramaterialism for do so."

by Full Monteirism May 23, 2021

Spiritual Extraphysicalism

Spiritual Extraphysicalism is a term used to refer to the opposite of spiritual physicalism, where there's some support or full support to extraphysicalist, extramaterialist, post-positivist and spiritualist views of the world, reality, religion and spirituality. Spiritual Extraphysicalism often seeks to explain all spiritual experiences such as Astral Projection and Mediumship by extraphysicalism means and excludes any possibility of only matter and only physics to actually exist but the existence of things beyond matter and physics that would be called as extramatter and extraphysics. Spiritual extraphysicalism also supports the development of an extraphysical based spirituality and the completely rejection of spiritual physicalism and its material reductionism about spiritual and religious experiences and phenomena.

"Spiritual extraphysicalism is the opposite of spiritual physicalism, that's the why there's a division between spiritual communities online purely because of the physicalist-extraphysicalist issue. But it's purely a matter of hegemony and even of spiritual pluralism as well."

by Full Monteirism May 9, 2021