Stands for Frequently Asked Questions, or a polite way of saying "fuck".
An alternative usage of the word "FAQ" could be when you accidentally said the word "fuck", and you wanted to use Frequently Asked Questions to cover it up.
"Fuck me!" No, I didn't swear mom. I meant to say if there is any frequently asked questions about me. I just shortened the word to FAQ. Heh, Heh.
The way some people say facts
Mia: I wish people start treating dogs as pets
Everyone: Man you speaking Faq
fundamentally adequate quintessentials is the alternative meaning of this famous acronym, probably created for some screenwirtter of warner music germany or for the smol bean Tyjo from tøp, who used it alongside his mate Josh in an interview for the cited label in jan 2016 in which they answered some random questions and they were more comical than usual
Tyjo: a lot of people thinks that (faq) stands for frequently asked questions but actually it stands for
jishwa: *takes breath* fundamentally, adequate, quintessentials
Dominican Alice Frequently Asked Questions - at least thats what my friend thought
Da Faq