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kinky dick flick

The love tap/kiss/handjob given to the dick by a boy/girl after the dick has been sucked dry

boy: wow, youre really good at this
girl/boy:*slurps* thanks, imma give an extra kinky dick flick just for you

by kinky flick bick April 15, 2017

Chick Dick Flick

A Chick Dick Flick is a chick flick purposely made to turn girls on so their boyfriends can get boned. Chick Dick Flicks are usually made by men.

Hey babe wanna watch a Chick Dick Flick?

by Da real beotch November 13, 2018


A 3-tick-dick-flick is when you reach the point of orgasm in 1.8 seconds (generally males).
The ever so growing MMORPG 'RuneScape', where the tick term derives, has a system of timed events based on ticks. These convert to around 0.6 seconds/tick.

Guy: Dude, I fucked this girl last night, but I 3-tick-dick-flicked her...

friend: Mate... that's rough; sorry, bro

by Nex (level:1001) May 30, 2016

4👍 1👎

The Double Backwards Flying Dick Flick

The act of jumping into a romantic partners embrace, whilst flicking their face with your genitalia.

Bill: “Hey man, how’d last night go?”

Jeff: “Totally great man, I gave Sarah’s grandmother The Double Backwards Flying Dick Flick and she fucking died.”

by This is not Jonathan May 27, 2018


Another word for porn

My brother likes to watch dick-flicks.

by Jorgethegreat June 10, 2015

Dick flick

A film, that is generally liked by all men and is therefore safe to watch with a group of male friends. It's like the same as a chick flick, but for men. It is almost never about a romance between a man and a woman, but the lead is often a succesfull man or even a hero. Appreciated subjects include guns, cars, war, blood, sport, action, unrealistic creatures, money or 'bitches'

Have you seen The Fast and the Furious ? It's the best dick flick you'll ever see !!!

by YOSHIxoxo May 13, 2018

dick flick

when one moves his hand in a downward motion or preferably in a side motion and waks someone on the tip of the penis....... ps it is excruciating

aw dude you dick flicked me

by cockknocker1 March 2, 2010