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Arm Flapping Fagget

Someone who`s arms flap around like a bird while running or their arms flop around like noodles.

"What is that kid doing out there?"
"He cant help it, hes just an Arm Flapping Fagget. That`s how he was born"

by Smithers john February 1, 2009

3👍 2👎

You fagget in my spagget

A discord comedy phrase i saw once

1st guy:*Messes with 2nd guy*
2nd guy:You fagget in my spagget

by FaggeterInSpaggeter May 9, 2018


A person that is so gay they decided to ceam all the gay person insults into one

Mostly used in call of duty lobbies

God your so gay get out of my face you fagget.(anyone who plays soccer also)

by 😎 Im just here June 5, 2021


youre gay

shut up you fucking fagget

by jamie stinky March 5, 2022


A person usually named Carson who acts really butthurt and associates with homosexuality

Carson is a fagget

by Carsonisafagget66 December 8, 2019


A man who drugs you to make a daughter and f**** them thinking of the man they drugged because they stocked them for at least 8-10 years

Your such a fagget after that.

by Realforever69 October 22, 2022


A man who drugs and rapes you in your sleep for 8-10 years then drugs you with sodium pentothal to get your fat hag pregnant against your will to make a daughter because they feel so gay

I can’t believe that fagget.

by Realforever69 October 22, 2022