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Am emo kid who likes werid crap

Figgy your werid

by Jake henna November 23, 2021


Figgy is a descriptive adjective for anything, entirely based on the tone in which you use it

Get figgy with it!
Dude, I'm feeling figgy today.
Ugh, that test was so figgy.

Let's change the topic of conversation, it's getting figgy.

by FigMaster69 March 13, 2024


Rare STD for penguins that causes them to bleed out of their assholes and their ears instead of their pussies when on their periods

"Ew that fag penj has figgy"

by C9_ZubZer0 May 13, 2019


Rare STD for penguins that causes them to bleed out of their assholes and their ears instead of their pussies when on their periods

"Ew that fag penj has figgy"

by C9_ZubZer0 May 13, 2019


A figgy twat is a fictional vaginal disease with the inside of the vagina, as well as the surrounding exterior tissue, resembling that of the flesh of a fig, seeds and all. If u wish to call it dead wasp pussy, or if you would prefer to call it pollywog egg pussy, go right ahead.

My girlfriend has figgy-twat.

by Messtopia July 6, 2017


An action *figure*

Alex: I got a new spiderman figgi for my birthday!

John: you get soany figures they are piling up.

by Lunidut December 26, 2023