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The only people who are so friendly, the let their red-neck cyclists ride in their interstates.

Person 1: Bro again cyclists in the interstate?
Person 2: Thats just what floridians do.

by Knmagor June 24, 2023


Publix loving crackheads that basically live in another country because were on our own playing field

Foreigner: Look its a crackhead

Floridian: Yes, I am a crackhead

by vanwinkl January 16, 2025

Floridian Breakfast

The act of Eating McNuggets and drinking a Four Loko in the shower. This is usually done after sleeping in until the early afternoon, but it can technically be done any time of the day. Some individuals also “salt” the rim of their Four Loko with methamphetamine crystals, however this variation is unique to certain regions and is not considered “traditional”.

Kyle: Hey Sarah, do you want anything to eat?
Sarah: No thanks, I just had a Floridian Breakfast and I’m feeling pretty good.

by CatDaddy2022 February 3, 2024

Floridian Hot Pocket

When a Pre-teen double teams on their cousin with their grandfather

Person 1: Bro did Slaying really do a Floridian Hot Pocket

Person 2: Yeah he dipped both hands

by Stelios987654321 October 24, 2022

Floridian spit

When you exchange saliva with a redneck and use it as lube to masturbate

Dude I did a naughty Floridian spit last night it felt so good

by Jenerkrn November 16, 2021

Floridian alligator biting

When a male bites a females butt until blood starts coming out, with that blood you use it as loom to give anal to a female. This can only be done in the Florida Everglades while but naked in the middle of the wilderness.

I went Floridian Alligator Biting with Jen and she broke up with me after.

by FloridaMan69420 February 16, 2021

Floridian Hand Grenade

The Florida/Floridian Hand Grenade is the act of pulling the muzzle off of an alligator/crocodile and quickly throwing it either at someone or into the room they occupy.

Man 1: Did you hear about that dude at the fast food drive through? He had a Floridian Hand Grenade and just threw it right in the window.

Man 2: He WHAT?

by SomeDudeTheySaidWouldPutItOnUD March 1, 2021