Jeff: When will you come back?
Joe: In a fortnight
Jeff: I think you a lost you mind! How can you come in a game. Idiot
Just a night playing Fortnite with friends
A:Hey come to my house tonight!
A:Nice, call to the anothers an we will have a Fortnight
Not to mistaken with Fortnite (popular kids game) A fortnight is 2 weeks or 14 and for nerds it is 20160 minutes
Kyle: How was your last fortnight?
Tom: Like the game?
Kyle: No you fucking virgin, how was your past two weeks?
A word that got ruined by Fortnite
By the way it's 2 weeks
A: I haven't slept for a fortnight
B: What does Fortnite have to do with that?
A: I meant the word fortNIGHT
Congrats you either spelt a game name wrong or are a major swifty, if neither, use a normal dictionary
Guy 1: You this dude spelt Fortnite Wrong!
Guy 2: Really how did he spell it?
Guy 1: He said Fortnight instead of Fortnite
Guy 2: if we’re speaking then how do you know he made the spelling error?
Guy 1: Idk
Guy 2: Did you just abbreviate I don’t know outside of text?
Guy 1: probs
Guy 2: I dunno why we’re still friends