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to go fractals

To get really excited about something. Bursting with infinite joy. To bring everlasting life to something.

To go fractals. She went fractals when she saw the time machine. Tom went fractals when he saw himself on tv. You're gonna go fractals when you try this.

by midorijones June 14, 2017


(Adj.) Fractals is the old look and shape of the methamphetamine crystals.

"Wow, those Fractals were really big they sure got me going kept me awake."

by iMa RoCkStAr707 February 13, 2016


prediction for earthquake

Earthquakes are predicted using fractals

by therealshrek August 16, 2018


An ITERATED FUNCTION SYSTEM (IFS) is a set of CONTRACTIONS, which are ways of scaling the plane by the same amount in every VECTOR BASIS. An ATTRACTOR is the set S (a shape) for which the union of the images of S under the application of all contractions in the given IFS is equivalent to S. A self-similar fractal is then the unique ATTRACTOR of an ITERATED FUNCTION SYSTEM (IFS).

The Sierpinski Triangle is a fractal. And the rest of these definitions are fractally awful.

by owochanriemannsigma February 3, 2025