An abbreviation for “guess what”
bruh, gw happened at my house yesterday
Abbreviation for: guesswork
I don’t know the answer, this is gw.
Is sometime used as an abbreviation for guess what
marquice: gw i did today
hannah:i don’t know, what?
Slang for rough gay sex, commonly used by males who are fond of galatic wars.
Chris:Hop on GW
Sneak: Say less
Goes without saying can be used in response to most messages
Suns out been to the shop for park beers. ‘That gws’
The meaning is usually "Get well soon" but sometimes it's "Giveaways"
Get well soon means, that you hope somebody feel better or not sick.
Giveaways means, that you're giving away stuff for free (But mostly you have to follow or do something, if you're a social platform or a game)
Get well soon: I hope you GWS
Giveaways: Usually I've been doing lots a GWS