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El gato es un gato

Spanish for *The Cat Is A Cat*

---Used in many situations
---Best thing in all of existence
---4th Dimensional stuff

El gato es un gato

by Eevee Co. October 2, 2023

Muy Gato

Awsome, Amazing, Gnarly, The best in the world, Cool, Extreme,

Guatemala is muy gato!

by Rikki David April 30, 2009

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Gato Negro

Gato Negro is a certain type of cat that likes destroying everything in it's path.

Gato Negro destroyed my car after driving it off a cliff.

by DictionaryWonder April 9, 2021

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Oh My Gato

A saying used to describe something that is mind boggling, extraordinary, devastating, orgasmic, or hilarious

Your girlfriend shit the bed OH MY GATO

by PRT1984 November 23, 2011

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el gato diablo

1. the cat devil
2. nitnelav

do not mess with el gato diablo

by instigationmachine May 13, 2004

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keben gato

keben gato 55 bien pan8n y solo dice chistoso me rei

el keben gato solo dice chistoso me rei y aveces dice ihhhh te chinge

by mamagu ebos October 28, 2020

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muy muy gato

This is a term used in older Mexico depicting a man's large genital bravery. It was obtained from the show "Don gato y su Pandilla"

Old Mexican: "hey you're muy muy gato for chasing that squirrel"Older Mexican: "yea I showed that squirrel who had the bigger nuts"

by MExcan December 24, 2009

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