qualcuno di estremamente timido, chiuso in se stesso. Un ragazzo che ama suonare la chitarra, la musica di nicchia e i romanzi di formazione. Ha gli occhi grandi e le occhiaie, e sa essere stronzo se vuole o se é stanco. Il tipo di ragazzo dalle braccia magre, un po' spento. Quello che cita testi che nessuno può capire.
tipo : oh ma Gian Luigi che ascolta?
tipo2 : non lo so, mai sentiti
the best couple out there. no couple beats them. they are the most affectionate and understanding duo and nothing can ever separate them. they love each other with their whole hearts. even though one is more outgoing than the other one, they never fail to give each other the attention they desire. they will always be by each other’s sides no matter what and will always have each other’s backs. they strive to travel the world together one day free from any stresses or worries they may come across. this is the best couple out there by a long shot. any good couples that go into your mind while reading this? jim and pam? zendaya and tom holland? get your head out of the gutter, anna and gian are WAY better than they are.
person 1: oh wow did you see gian and anna?
person 2: yeah i did! i wish i had that type of relationship in my life :(
Gian Stepakov, is the coolest dude you'll ever meet. He's caring, understanding, cute, pretty, and a very good artist! You're truly blessed if you have a Gian Stepakov in your life.
Woah dude, is that Gian Stepakov??
Yeah bro, he's so cool.
One of the most incredible men I’ve ever met, big beautiful brown eyes and the sweetest smile. He’s obsessed with Spiderman, kinda thinks he is him. And that’s okay, because he’s wonderful and will never fail to make you smile.
I love you, Gian.
A guy that is a cool guitarist that loves someone named Carlos
Yo that Gian guy playing Summertime Saga
russian slang which discribes the worst ginger to have ever existed
Я ненавижу gian