kirstene, for sure.
kirstene's such a pretty girl, dude. she's beautiful, very charismatic, and charming as well. i bet she pulls all the guys.
Pretty girl; is when your mind finds her before you are aware of her presence....
Dave: I'm standing there waiting for my flight to board, checking messages, when I feel the need to look up. This "Pretty Girl" is standing there. It turns out our seats are together, 6 months later we married. That was 25 years ago.
When a woman is viewed as more attractive by other women than by guys. Typically, this woman is more "beautiful" than they are hot, but this is subjective as different people have certain types.
Girl: OMG!!! Taylor Swift's soooo pretty i wish i looked like her!!
Guy: She ain't all that
Girl: WHAT????
Guy: She's girl pretty.... She might be beautiful but she ain't hot
a combination of women who love smeezy
pretty girls love smeezy
a combination of women that love tony smeezy
pretty girls love smeezy