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The flemmy substance formed while preforming vigorous activities such as running or playing sports.

1) Johnny - What's this shit in my mouth

Timmy - Probably just some glob-a-gloop.

2) Jennifer- I was at basketball practice today and I spit the fucking hugest glob-a-gloop of all fucking time

Mandy- Fuckin nice dude

by Glooperstien October 2, 2009

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glob head

A dumb ass person that still thing the earth is a ball regardless of all the prof showing its flat.

How the fuck does these glob heads think the earth is a ball flying in a vacuum following a ball of fucking fire

by reallife3006 March 13, 2017

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Glob dang it, Danny!

Reaction to a certain ghost's mischief, usually Danny.

Who took my keys? Glob dang it, Danny!

by zimmygirl777 September 3, 2022

oh my glob

The "Adventure Time" version of "oh my gosh", or "oh my god". Most commonly used by Lumpy Space Princess, a.k.a. LSP.

"Oh my glob, look at her shoes!"

"Oh glob, they're so ugly."

by _Pocahontas_ January 29, 2013

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i gleeb glob

i gleeb glob is the highest way of expressing your love for someone, aside from eating an entire jar of pickles and chugging the pickle juice.

"i gleeb glob you honey"

by queenofflatulance August 30, 2022

Oh my glob

Known as an Torgie-ism, this is an essential word in any modern conversation. It explains a range of emotions: shock, love, embarrassment, delight. Cries of 'oh my glob' can be heard in all the halllways of the finest colleages in Oxford. So, of course, it's just a matter of time before it will travel round the world and come back to Oxford when it will have a rightful place in the official Oxford Dictionary.

This is a literal oh my glob moment!

by Oxford 2018 July 1, 2018

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gloob glob man

man with rolls

i passed the gloob glob man

by elivi December 6, 2019

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