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Tu eras gordo

A word telling teachers of non fluent Spanish speakers that they are fat

Hy mrs.Johnson. Tu eras gordo

Oh thank you Tommy

by SMD Mexicant March 2, 2011

2👍 3👎

Dirty Gordo

A stinky 5 ft 10 fat lightskin nerd who packs on Discord under the user EK Gordo#8649

person 1: yo my name is Gordo

person 2: oh so you're a fat Discord kid who packs also known as Dirty Gordo?

person 1: ...

by notgusky June 9, 2022


Hood ass blood nigga that fucks with his hood

Gordo is the big homie in his hood Everybody balls him for everything

by Nene400x August 13, 2019


A person named Gordon who also looks like a teddy bear

Wow, you are such a Gordo Gordon

by Gordooooo Sucks August 8, 2017


A very common nickname for people named Gordon.

*Gordon walks in*
"Eyyy Gordoooo!"

by TheAnders69 January 12, 2022

Gordo Chota

Landoni, Landoni with the wagon, El Landoni, Feo landoni

El gordo chota eats a lot of food everyday.

by Ed feo gordo September 13, 2018

Gordo Alt

GordoAlt comes from the corrê-primitive landscape of the Nepêt-å "dev" mythology. "Gordo" is often used to describe an extremely god-like individual - who is often mentally-challenged and hated until he's gone. The original gordo from the Nepêt-å "dev" mythology was just that. "Alt" comes from the ancient tale of when Rév-uläte was corrupt and awfully persecuted Gordo for being better than him. "GordoAlt" was a phrase later said by the mighty god now known as "castyte"

Corrupt officer: *arrests someone innocent*
Bystanders: Gordo Alt

by DankMemeLord42069Blaze July 7, 2019