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Gracie? More like uhhhhhh... date me?

Gracie is pretty awesome <3

by Whatsthebigidea? December 1, 2021


Is a white fine country ass female, who can talk all day and take you on a adventure about how good her day was. You should date one because she will rock your world.

Him: “Damn that girl fine, who that?”
Her: “That’s Gracie.”

by Gracieisthebest123 May 2, 2022


Gracie is a loving talkative person she has a beautiful smile and is not afraid too show it she also has the most beautiful hair that you will ever see. Gracie is the center of attention and is great at making new friends. Gracie is also really athletic. Gracie though needs to realize the love is knocking on door. She needs to realize that they are the perfect person for them. Gracie should never be dumped from a boy because that would be a dumbass move because she is the best girl there is and if you will you realize soon that you’ll never find nobody better than her

Gracie is beautiful!

by caleb fart 69 April 4, 2022


Gosh where can I start… gracie is just amazing in all ways. She is so loving and will always be there for you when ur down in the dumps, buttttt she can have a huge temper, and probably has anger issues. But if you’re her friend you don’t want to worry she is too soft to hurt one of her friends, but if she hates you…WATCH OUT.

Person 1- yo that girls well fit
Person 2- bro that’s gracie, She’s so fine 😩

by Finemfff April 13, 2022


some whack ass mutha fuka that is always annoying and cant get her facts straight. she can be hella hot tho ngllll

Gracie is my friend.

by fw..gracieee March 2, 2022

18👍 3👎


A name that implies MANY different things. Usually the cute name for a female named Greyson

The pinnacle of perfection in a female. Has stunning eyes, and an incredible personality. Starts out as seemly introverted, but has a charming, witty personality once a friendship is formed. More caring than anyone you'll likely ever meet and has an intellect that can be seen withing her eyes. Killer body with amazing curves and a sexy bust. Arouses men without realization. Legendary in bed. Very beautiful and interesting. Loves to cuddle in bed after a romantic evening; the perfect lover and knows how to make one feel like the center of the universe with a single glance.

The rarest female on this earth. Utterly unique. Gracie's make the greatest girlfriends/lovers/fiances/wives; is most likely to be your soul mate/other half. Living perfection.

N An amazingly sexy girl who has a perfect body but has no ego about her beauty. Often she is self doubting, bad still confident in herself. Can be "scene" in style with outrageous colored hair.

V Able to do all things exceedingly well. Never fails to impress. Has the innate ability to attract men from miles around due to her absolute sexiness.

Adj Drop dead sexy, perfect in beauty, poise; containing a refined elegance.

Man 1: Bro, I wish my girl was a Gracie.
Man 2: Sucks to be you, seeing as you're stuck with a Jess.

Woman: She's such a Gracie!! Look at how she dresses, ugh, I wish I was her!
Man: Yeah, I'd pick her over you...Just saying.

She, Gracie that test and got the highest score in the class!!

by Let's Kill Sarah Singer March 8, 2011

1174👍 352👎


Super Sexy Girl, Funny, Smart, and the most Drop Dead Gorgeous girl in the whole world

Dude isnt she a Gracie

by Big Digger October 29, 2011

801👍 238👎