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Comet Gurgling

When a dude cums into a condom and throws the condom into a girl's mouth from long range.

" I tried for a money-shot but she suggested Comet Gurgling instead."

by the boi that doesn't care February 17, 2017

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gurgle jerk

One of the many names from an early Dave Letterman skit called "Name your baby when you're angry". Includes the names Crib Lizard and Mr. Drips. Can be used in place of the word baby.

Let's get out of the house before the missus sticks us with the gurgle jerk.

by ThunderMummy October 28, 2005

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Hue gurgle

When someone that has an annoying laugh to start with starts laughing and can't stop so they just sound like a dying pig gurgling on its own blood.

Bobby: balls

Dannyboy: huehuehue *gurglish screeching sounds*

Jonnybago'donuts: whoa dannyboy has a hue gurgle

by Beatus_tristis May 30, 2014

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Gurgle Gut

The feeling you get in your gut/lower abdominal area just before uncontrollable, explosive diarrhea. Often accompanied by the sweats, a watery mouth and/or nausea and a feeling of panic. In severe cases you may also experience a shart or sharts with gurgle gut, prior to the explosive diarrhea.
Gurgle gut is often caused by poor diet or over consumption of alcohol.

"I was halfway to my door and all of the sudden I got gurgle gut. I couldn't get to my bathroom fast enough!"

"Jimmy sh*t his pants because he caught a case of gurgle gut from something he ate and couldn't get to a bathroom fast enough."

by FABAG74 December 31, 2013

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Gurgle Delay

When your stomach is gurgling as you start to have sex and need to delay the deed until said explosion happens

We had a gurgle delay as he went down on me due to an unanticipated bathroom incident.

by Moodypoodyrudy December 22, 2019

Gurgle Butt


Gurgle Butt

by Ghost -_-Writer November 15, 2019


Fizzy carbonated ("sparkling") water. So named because it gurgles on its way down yer throat, and ya giggle when it tickles yer tonsils.

Plain water or fruit juice is all well and good, but I love giggle-gurgle, especially on a hot day --- nuthin' like that bubbly "bite" to soothe your dry palate and "deeply" quench your thirst.

by QuacksO August 8, 2018