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A (usually) red headed demon child that drives you insane and often gives you trouble.

You make me so mad! You're such a Hays!

by Anau October 24, 2009

19👍 25👎


There are 2 kinda of "hay" one for horses and one for "hay" or "hello"

Hay Mandy how are you doing?

by Oh shi̸t its dat boi December 21, 2016

2👍 1👎


A Hays is a person who is funny and sarcastic, and may seem intimidating sometimes, but once you get to know him he’s the best person you’ll ever meet. He’s not afraid to acknowledge his glamour and he’s super confident. A person who is a die hard romantic, but only for one person. He won’t give up on those he loves, and won’t hesitate to let you know how he feels. He’s straight forward and passionate about things he loves. He’s smart, but won’t admit it. He’ll steal your heart so quickly, you won’t realize that he has. He’ll torment you with his good looks and amazing personality, but he’ll always make sure you’re ok. He’ll tease you and make fun of you in the loveliest way possible. He’ll make your heart beat fast and you won’t know why. A Hays will be a man who fulfills your every dream.

“I can’t believe I’m stuck with Seth on the project...”

Sucks for you, I have Hays!”


by AcousticTurnOn September 28, 2019


A word soft girls/soft boys use when they talk to someone. Some people find this word dry so they would not really either respond or most likely leave you on read.

Julie: Hai.
Crush: *seen 1 hour ago, active 16 mins ago*

by puebessssss January 5, 2021


you say this to greet a friend, especially one you have many inside jokes with. also, this is used to seem showy and cool that you have a friend you can pronounce as loudly as most people say this

Camily: HAY GURL HAY!!! whats up??

Betsy: nm, nm but you are awesomeee

by diva12 October 20, 2009

50👍 6👎

Jimmy Hay Hay

The act of being givin oral sex while the performer of oral sex has wrapped their hair around the base and shaft of the penis.
The more you know! :D

She gave him a Jimmy Hay Hay while all he realy wanted was a blumpkin.

by Shinra Kamar January 11, 2011

hay girl hay

joke like, way to say hello/whats up?

(conversation between B-rad and jenny)

B-rad: hay girl hay
Jenny: waz up?

by b. to the. rad February 28, 2009

40👍 10👎