Source Code

Caution Hazardous

The only term to effectively express the amount of intensity and stress to cancel a haircut appointment due to uncontrollable vomiting.

"Did you hear about William, he has been caution hazardous since we fired him"

by kute_Azn_boi September 13, 2009


Something actually hazardous - dangerous and daring, yet unmet by the severity of the situation. Countering a risky and potentially death-inducing scenario with a comical and entertaining approach to the problem.

Hazard-ish events are always awesome to watch - danger and action combined!

by ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ February 24, 2016

Hazard Wobble

Hizard Warry corrected by an LG auto-correct.

You're a hazard wobble.

by Gjxgockhvcixyicykchkxyd March 18, 2017

The Dicks of Hazard

A multi-cultural open-age online gang of computer savvy people who don't take any shit off anyone just like ghetto toilet paper. If you know in your heart you can be a dick for a good cause, join The Dicks of Hazard!

1.Some crackhead kept trying to feed my dog, so I called The Dicks of Hazard.
2.This guy kept throwing cock blocks so I called The Dicks of Hazard. After they schooled me, no one threw cock blocks again.
3.Thanks to The Dicks of Hazard, that nazi never heckles me in class anymore.

by MadamexXx February 17, 2009

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hazard lights

What you gotta turn on when you see some hoez

Hey cholo, turn your hazard lights on, I see some hoez

by Taco Flavoured Kisses December 2, 2005

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occupational hazard

An occupational hazard is something unpleasant that you may suffer or experience as a result of doing your job or hobby.

idiot : you suck ;
backa : why the " ; " ?
idiot : hhh sorry it's an occupational hazard from programming .

by chou_chou March 31, 2018

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Fire hazard

A Red Head, Ginger, a person with flaming hair

Johnny: Oh my god i almost pulled the fire alarm i thought i saw a real fire hazard but it was just Ryan

Ryan: :'( stop making fun of my hair

by wport10 September 4, 2008

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