Source Code

Cameron Helm

He will suck cock for $20 and is racist.

Cameron Helm fucks little kids

by September 27, 2023

Helm's Deep

When a movie or TV show tries to build up tension for a big battle by reiterating how hopeless a cause it is, and how much everyone's definitely going to die, until the viewer wants to scream GET TO THE DAMN FIGHT ALREADY. Named after the Battle of Helm's Deep in The Two Towers from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Extra points if it's a TV show that gives the audience blue balls by making them wait another week for the entire battle.

"Man, that Game of Thrones episode really built up the hopelessness of the battle to the point where I was annoyed, they totally Helm's Deeped us."

by brightestconstellation April 22, 2019

Helms Deep

Half an expresso shot followed by a shot of absinthe followed the rest of the expresso shot.

He's about to fight the black army at Helms Deep.

by Ryban February 22, 2020

mark helm

That one guy that enjoys teaching things, but teaches too much. way too much. why do you do this? why?

oh dear god, please no mark helm.

by helpmeigotaflattire September 20, 2017

mrs helms

the best 7th grade math teacher ever. she made math so much fun and she is definitely a teacher you want to keep. any student is lucky to have her as a teacher!!

mrs helms is the best teacher ever!

by hehe123 June 16, 2022

William Helms

A big tall guy with a small penis and 1
Nut who doesn’t know how to shit

Billy : Hey, look at that stupid ass guy he looks deformed and he can’t poop

Danny : ah, that’s just a William Helms don’t worry

by Earnestjonesssss June 18, 2024

marshall helm

The most amazing guy you could ever meet.He is so adorable and knows how to cheer someone up.He's that type of guy to cuddle with you and watch a horror movie with you.He's sweet,cute,fun,and caring.If you find a marshall then your extremely lucky.

Girl-I'm So lucky to have Marshall helm he is being defined as amazing and totes cute

by Justsomerandomusername January 21, 2017