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An employee which is extremely happy in a subordinate role, and actively avoids thought, responsibility, and doing more than the bare minimum. Typically described as "lazy" or "passive."

An example of a hench is Shikamaru Nara in early Naruto episodes.

by The photon wrangler February 26, 2023


Hench is the word used to describe a situation that is funny/epic, or a situation that was unfortunate.

dude when you threw that water balloon at that sign that was so hench
i cant believe that you dumped your ex, that was hench

i cant believe that you lost all of your shit, thats hench

by FFTV July 20, 2019


Mark Rota

That guy is so Mark Rota... he's hench

by Doug Burger September 29, 2021


Of a large and muscular build

Kinda hot

Person 1: Have you seen Mark?

Person 2: Yeah he is HENCH!

by Doug Burger October 1, 2021


someone who his obese and is fighting diabetes type 2

omg he is hench i hope he is doing ok

by Henchㅤ December 15, 2020

hench fund

Financial institution pretending to engage in high risk / high reward quantitative investment strategies but in fact trading on insider information to get ahead of the market.

"How did Joe afford that Lamborghini?"

"Oh, he works for a hench fund now. He's going to bed with the assistants of three different CFOs and using the information he gets that way to help his fund make out like bandits."

by nygeek August 30, 2012

Hench Stench

1.The overpowering stench you get when you are just so HENCH. It may or may not be B.O. or the smell of the king of men.
2. Even better than being hench

1)You are bare hench stench!
2)Man, put some some deodorant on, you have some hench stench.
3) I benched like 40,000kg last night, I'm hench stench.

by Hench Kempton June 10, 2011