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Honeymoon Hike

The term can be used as taking a honeymoon hike when the entire family is in the house and there is no where for you and your partner to go for some privacy. So taking a hike for a quickie, let it be BJ, HJ or goin for it all and havin sex against the trees or on the ground if your dirty enough for it. Its usually just a quickie but whatever.

"Babe theres no where to go for us to be alone, grandparents are nappin in your room, parents are giving a tour to your cousins and theres kids running around all over the place, lets take a honeymoon hike."

example 2.
"Where were you guys?" asked Lucy
"We went out for a hike" said Tyrone and Ami
"Theres no mountains here, its florida." said Lucy
"Honeymoon Hike" said Tyrone

by latin-kitten May 8, 2009

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Honeymoon Period

The unfortunate circumstance where after months of planning, excitement, and anticipation, the newly wed couple is surprised with a poorly timed menstruation cycle, effectively ending the night of extra special love making before it even begins...

Rob and Cindy just wanted the wedding day to be over with so they could begin a crazy night of hot love making but the mood was ruined when Cindy found she had gotten a honeymoon period...

by happypyro April 9, 2010

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honeymoon period

(n.) After a successful candidates' election, or monarchs' ascention to the throne, the media and public will grant them the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not they can actually do thier jobs. After this, usually a month in duration, the scrutiny will begin.

After Bushs' honeymoon period, the world, now with Clinton firmly in the past, started to call him evil and retarded.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004

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honeymoon salad

A honeymoon salad: Lettuce alone. No dressing!

What are you two up to tonight?
- we're having a honeymoon salad.
- Lettuce alone. No dressing!

by LateNightLover January 5, 2018

Honeymoon Avenue

When you and your partner love each other passionately. So passionately that you can't stand a second away from each other and do everything you can to keep your relationship going.

Them: So how's your relationship going?

You: Oh you know..still in that honeymoon avenue

by eXclusive_Garnet October 30, 2022

Text Honeymoon

Immediately after adding someone as a contact in your phone, the short period of time during which you and your contact exchange mass amounts of generic texts that just seem to "flow".

You will likely never speak or text again.

"Man, you're texting like crazy!"

"Yeah, I met this chick last night and we're still on our text honeymoon!"

"Ah. Well at least you tried."

by T.Dawg May 14, 2010

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honeymoon insomnia

Interrupted or broken sleep.

I have honeymoon insomnia, I keep sleeping in snatches.

by Richard Kopf November 19, 2007

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