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i feel like chicken tonight

Capitalist bullcrap made up so that we all eat the soilent green chicken flavoured dead people.

I feel like dead people eating tonight

by Zedsdeadbaby November 3, 2003

31πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Oh, I feel bad

"Oh, I feel bad" is a phrase used by people that don't really feel bad, they're just trying to make you think that they are nice and actually feel something for someone else. It's typically used in a very condescending manner as if to say "that poor creature is so pathetic".

Nancy: Hey Julie, who is this tard sending me a facebook friend request.
Julie: I don't know....oh wait....I think he's the slow kid that use to run around collecting the basketballs in High School. He just sent me a message saying he misses seeing me everyday.
Nancy: Didn't you graduate from High School 20 years ago?

Julie: Yes, creepy....Oh, I feel bad....
Nancy: yeah, right...sure you do Julie.

by Nanski May 25, 2011

3πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

no i feel like boo boo

no i feel like boo boo

From the movie β€˜Jennifers Body’

it’s like when you feel greasy , bad , like all these things
β€˜You look really tired is everything okay?’ β€˜No i feel like boo boo’

by PiggyOink123 March 16, 2023

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

uh I feel pretty safe at cleveland

Slang used in Mr Sorensen's journalism class to signify false hope in the safety at cleveland. Popularized by Owen King and used in the popular song "youtubinu." Frequently used by popular youtuber TheCrayCray, especially on his VODS channel.

Uh I feel pretty safe at cleveland though the area that cleveland is in is not very safe but the school itself the area inside I feel very safe in.

by Thecraycrayshorts March 10, 2023

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i feel a good i have a cool

they feel a good and they have a cool

"i feel a good i have a cool"

by i feel a good i have a cool April 22, 2021

That sucks I feel so bad for you

Something you say to someone when you don't really feel bad for them.

Kenneth "I forget my assignment at home."
Dlapa " That sucks I feel so bad for you."

by lebron apples February 28, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I feel like coupa de li

I feel like coupa de li - a phrase commonly used at events where one may feel hyper or feel the need to annoy their best friends while walking around for 3 hours

There’s the boys ! I feel like coupa de li

by andreayayayaya February 26, 2020