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blue inferno

A foureyed overweight man who is always rude and obnoxious with his horse shit jokes.

man he is a total blue inferno

by KaLu Präjä January 26, 2018

Dante’s Inferno

A fiery hot diarrhea which burns your anus. Symptoms including shitting like a pail bucket and a very irritated anus.

Hey dan im suffering from Dante’s Inferno so I can’t come to work today, my ass is burning like hell.

by DAmOnD_WaRraIor May 6, 2023

Goopy Inferno

Taking a steaming hot shit into somebody else’s asshole and simultaneously clenching to transfer it back and forth.

Chuck and I did the ol’ Goopy Inferno last night, and I had to triple wash my sheets.

by CoqueSoque December 13, 2022

jungle inferno

The last major Team Fortress 2 update for more than 4 years.

"When was the last major update for TF2?"
"Jungle Inferno?"

by Tf2 is barely alive. January 14, 2022

Dante's Inferno

Dante's Inferno is arguably the greatest song ever done by the badass Heavy Metal band Iced Earth. This song is 16:26 long and kicked an extremly large amount of ass the whole way through. This song is based off of the famous poem written by Dante Alighieri.

Set "Dante's Inferno is the greatest metal song this side of Hallowed Be Thy Name."

by Set Abominae March 18, 2007

23👍 45👎

Dutch Inferno

When you have been given the choice of any weapon you choose to equip your body with, you choose and RPG for your ass. Then, you must give someone a dutch oven, therefore causing a blazing inferno. Thus, being the "Dutch Inferno".

He just made a dutch inferno out of the bed after eating a burrito.

by MachineGunBoobies March 17, 2011

3👍 3👎

disco inferno

What happens when they finally burn down that fucking club on the corner of the street.

Patron: Aaaaiiiiiiieeeeeee...(scream of unutterable agony)...I'm on fire...
Passer-by: What a disco inferno...

by Master of Cunts May 12, 2008

14👍 31👎