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To steal one's land, property, or belongings and claim it as one's own, then seek the aid of others to further cement the idea of the steal.

I've been israeled like never before. They stole my home and claimed it as theirs and the authority helped them legalize the steal.

by l44b1l November 3, 2023

8033๐Ÿ‘ 6849๐Ÿ‘Ž


To occupy a space and forcefully evict anyone who are currently occupying the space.

I got Israeled when I was peacefully sitting in a table while sipping my coffee.

by Mystery-o November 4, 2023

7967๐Ÿ‘ 6972๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fun person with a perveted mind. not shy at all very outgoing and kind wil be there when u need him

man david is such an israel he always looks at my azz

by lafresa01 March 6, 2009

2490๐Ÿ‘ 3691๐Ÿ‘Ž


Israel is a country located in the middle east. Its capital city is Jerusalem. it has about 6,500,000 inhabitants. 81.5% of the population are jews, 17 % arabs and the remaining are christians, druze, circassian and other small communities.
Hebrew and arabic are the official languages of israel.

" Last year i traveled in Israel, i went to the holly places in Jerusalem, swimmed in the Sea of Galilee, and went clubbin in Tel-aviv"

by d-m July 25, 2005

15315๐Ÿ‘ 16019๐Ÿ‘Ž


Although israel is accepted as a state by some western countries, it did not exist before 1948, neither did israelis, prior to 1948 they were called Palestinians.

Isaelites are not israelis; israelites were not jews either.

When Persia conquered and designated the area as jehud, they eventually allowed israelites that were in exile to return, these israelites then became jehudites.
This is where the word jew comes from and not before the end of the 6th century, even still it's a technical term having to do with living in jehud; the word jew doesn't become an ethnic term for quite some time.

Ashkenazi (European) jews are not Semites and have no genetic link to the land of Palestine. The ashkenazi converted to judaism after Arab jews migrated north into Europe.

In the largest genomic study of ashkenazi jews, their origins trace back to four primeval villages in north-east Turkey. The ashkenazi jews began relocating from ancient Ashkenaz to the Khazar Empire to expand their mercantile operations and the demise of Khazaria led to the ashkenazi splitting into two groups โ€“ some remaining in the Caucasus and others migrating into eastern Europe and Germany.

The two groups still called themselves ashkenazi, however the name became more strongly associated with Germany and the European group, for whom yiddish became their primary language.

The original jews were Arabs (Semites) from the area now known as israel, a.k.a. Occupied Palestine.

Jews are 'only' those that practice judaism. Once you change your religion or become an atheist, you are no longer a jew.

by Peace to israel December 10, 2022

1504๐Ÿ‘ 2717๐Ÿ‘Ž

Got Israeled

When someone asks to share someone you own, then steals it and claims it as their property.

Someone asked to share my table at the coffee shop with me, then they asked me to leave cause they had a meeting. I think I just got israeled.

by Itchybutt68 October 25, 2023

3994๐Ÿ‘ 4012๐Ÿ‘Ž

Got Israeled

When someone asks to share something of yours then claims it's become theirs and takes it for themselves

I was sitting in a coffee shop when someone came and asked to sit with me, they then told me to leave as they were having a meeting.
I think you just got Israeled

by October 28, 2023

1731๐Ÿ‘ 1519๐Ÿ‘Ž