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Its when he/she is a dumbass and infects people with dumbass-itus

Boy: I banged ya mum
Girl: Ohh shit you gave ma mum Dumbass-Itus

by testtube baby June 18, 2016


Kompa-itus, pronounced "cohm-PA-ih-tus." The word is a portmanteau of Kompa and Tinnitus.

They are those Haitian Kompa and Beat songs that are stuck in your head by playing themselves there over. And over. And over.

Someone infected with Kompa-itus may find themselves humming and whistling to the song and can end up dancing to tune that's playing inside their heads.

It usually happens after a heavy night of dancing partying or after hearing a Haitian DJ plays them over the air on Haitian Community radio, even streaming them on Youtube, Spotify and Souncloud can do it to you.

The term "Kompa-Itus" was originally coined by RENÉ Guemps in 2019.

Yo Theodore!
"I think I got a bad case of Kompa-itus, do you know how to get them out?"

"Ah man, I heard that the only cure for that is to go back and listen to all the songs you keep hearing in your head all over again or else they'll never leave"

by Negre Marron Records January 24, 2019