When a guy ejaculates into a girls belly button and drinks it like a body shot.
That girl is so hot, I'd love to give her a jama.
Jama noun (jya • ma)
A group of partying birds
Wow, look at that jama! They look like they’re having a hootin of a time.
Just Another Misogynic Asshole
Most people think he is narcisstic, but I think he is JAMA!
Jama, chad, lover, loves tractors, yeehaw cowboy.
"Wow look at Jama, he's like Jade but worse!"
Hello brothers' brothers, It'S mE jAmAs ChArLeSs HeRe...I'm JaMeS cHaRlEsS, bUt InStEaD oF bEiNg GaY, I aM....nOt GaY...aNd Am InFaCt AtTrAcTeD tO InAnImAtE oBjEcTs
1. you don't need an example.....I literally just told you what a Jamas Charless is...