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KD Smothering

A deathly hug given by a short little girl. Starts out very friendly, but eventually she will constrict, much like a snake, breaking ribs, puncturing lungs, and squeezing the air out of you. You will die, but you will die happy.

Katie ran up and gave Jordan a KD smothering and now he is dead.

by JordanGerdes January 28, 2012

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KD lady

A lesbian woman. Named after the comfortably-shod Canadian chanteuse, KD Lang. Who is yet to find herself the right man

"I used to love Sam Fox in the 1980s, I dreamt about marrying her"
"No chance mate, she's a KD lady"

by Roger Mellie 84 October 13, 2008

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KD Lang CD

Part of the scientific equipment known as a "gaydar". Acts as a homing device for gaydars and gives an 98% accurate reading of a woman or girl's sexuality. If a KD lang CD is in a woman's CD collection, she is gay. If it is in the shop, and she is looking at it, she is 80% likely to be gay. If she does not know the name KD Lang, she is probably straight.

Hot woman-"I bought a KD Lang CD yesterday"


by Loulou October 6, 2004

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10 kd

Your kill death ratio on Cod or

The size of your dick

Hey dude I my KD on Cod is 10!

Hey guess what... I've got a 10 kd

by The Jerky Turky March 9, 2016

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Kd Lang fan

A lesbian

She won’t go for my guy ! Is she a ... β€œ a kd lang fan ? No she’s a feminist but I’m pretty sure she’s not harboring same sex tendencies

by Rosie8403 March 3, 2018

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KD in the big B wood

Hella gas the big backwoods.

Yo Alex wanna come over we’re smoking KD in the big B wood.

by FATFRITO September 30, 2020

sweating like kd lang at a Christian Singles dance

A funny way of saying that one is sweating profusely. The humor is derived from the fact that kd lang is a dyke, and would no doubt be uncomfortable surrounded by breeder Jesus freaks.

"I'm sweating like kd lang at a Christian Singles dance!" - Lisa Lampanelli (comedienne)

by thatzhowiroll July 11, 2008

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