kar ting is a gorgeous female that is usually the mum of the group. she is responsible, neat and put together. she is strong willed and knows what she wants and how to get it. do not mess with a kar ting.
person 1: “aye did you hear about the fight with the popular girl and kar ting?”
person 2: “ yeah the popular girl got her ass beat!!!”
best econs teacher, Muay Thai master and can kick ur ass anytime
Look at kat kar hwee! So iconic
To tell someone something false, and then clarify you were kidding by saying "karred"
Nerd: Yo man! I got all F's on my report card!...KARRED.
The villainous movie trope of a maniacal individual who worships chaos, feeds on the sadness of others and whose only purpose in life is to start fights, only that it's a real person who you call your friend.
Have you met Abhishek? He's such a Kar!