Source Code

take leave

ima leave but "formal"

Mkaay I guess its time for me to take leave and let you think

by suckamyballs February 26, 2014

Sleeve and Leave

Refers to the act of shoplifting by sliding a small object into the sleeve of a hoodie, jacket, or sweater.

Person A: Guys I need pens for school but I donโ€™t have any money to get them!
Person B: Well, why donโ€™t we just sleeve and leave?

by Vndrll January 10, 2020

leave the hall

A contemptuous dismissal, following a particularly egregious display of metal ignorance.

Metal fan 1: Judas Priest isn't metal.

Metal fan 2: Leave the hall.

by Tyrannorabbit November 26, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Special Leave

Generic term used within many administrative sections of UK public sector to excuse/justify/advocate frivolous waste of public funds through unnecessary staff absence, and expense claims. Can cover various pursuits including, but must adhere to following: (1. Must NOT conclude with beneficial outcomes for funding body (the public), 2. Must offer opportunities to waste public money through paid absence, and unnecessary expense claims, 3. Must be so ludicrous in their inception to rile and annoy other tax payers.). Funding for special leave is regarded as a higher priority than employment, and as such is not affected even in austere times and redundancies.

Example of use: "hey, you hear about half of the department being made redundant last week? I only heard about it when I submitted my expense form for last week's special leave - we went skiing. Yeah it's so unfair all those redundancies - I blame the banks."

by cf_phil November 14, 2013

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

up and leave

(v.) To leave suddenly without warning.

He just upped and left. No note, no explaination, nothing.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Leave on seen

Iphone usres or Facebook messenger. . . When reading a message and don't reply back. read or seen

Leaving on seen to read a message and simply ignore.
Reading message or inbox and never reply.
I sent Kiki a message and she read it and never text me back! How she gonna {leave me on seen}?
I sent a message to Donte saying I love you and I can see as clear as day he seen the message but chose to {leave me on seen}. My feeling are so hurt!
When i Messaged Vanguard it shows he read it and he still didn't reply. What a jerk! He actually {left me on seen}. Crazy!!

Leave on seen, Left on seen, read, seen

by Blackbeauty1 May 5, 2015

90๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

receive and leave

when you receive a blowjob and immediately stop talking to the girl and move on to the next for some more

nic : โ€œi think she wanna be a thingโ€
wolfie : โ€œbruh...โ€
nic : โ€œiโ€™m j gonna receive and leaveโ€
wolfie : YUH

by dโ€™angelo versace January 18, 2018

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž