Successfully forcing oneself to defecate when one doesn't have the urge to do so.
John told his wife that he had to take a dump, but he found himself manufacturing a shit after his urge was a false alarm.
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Where you use a machine such as a 3D printer on a manufacturing line instead of using a machine that subtracts from the source material
The manufacturing industry is switching to additive manufacturing to save money on source material.
Hym "No you're trying to manufacture failure to spite me but I was right about the about the targeted harassment and when your kids are dead explicitly because of it you're going to have to suck it up and keep your mouth shut about it because the people who signed off on it and the social media companies that facilitated it are 'too important.' You backed the wrong horse in the name of Jesus and be nice to women and retards and the price you will pay is child murder. You deserve it. 937 plus the ones that will inevitably occur in the future. Should have played ball. It's your own goddamn fault and you're going to suffer at the hands of your own solipsism when I get what's coming to me."
An ancient offensive baseball philosophy that requires putting the team above the self by way of using the mind and body for the sole purpose of scoring a run.
The team bunted the runner home using manufacturation to score a run.